October 18, 2009

pop! goes my blogging cherry

it's a clear sunday afternoon in vancouver - a perfect day to lose my blogging virginity. church this morning, vietnamese noodle soup with friends afterwards, and t.v.-watching with my hubby to keep him occupied while i click click away on the laptop. it was during the noodle slurping that my dear friend, and ever-supportive fellow arteest Melody, encouraged me to share my creativity through blogging. i hope that this blog can be an outlet for me. my work as a stylist keeps my creative juices flowing, but my ideas are rampant and i gotta create a reservoire in which i can reserve them for their many purposes. art and design are like water to me. i am passionate about design, color, pattern, textiles, vintage finds, and a million other things. i suppose my style is quite eclectic. most of all, i like to look at pretty things and then create prettier things . i hope that you, too, will enjoy looking at the pretty things i have to show you.


  1. This is soo cool Cody-Anne. I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to hear and see about your pretty things. To see the prettiest of all, though, just look in a mirror.

  2. Hey! My Cody-Girl is a stylist! So Euro, so Retro, so purely simpleo and so beautyo...We are all stylists in our own way but few of us have "style" but you do my love, you do! You go Girl and I'll be watching for all you have to share...OH! and Pop!goes my blogging cherry? I LOVE that!!! OX

  3. C-A,
    I can't believe you used losing your virginity as an analogy for your first blog post.
    At least your first post was voluntary. I was forced into blogging, at an age when most kids were too innocent to know what it was all about. It wasn't easy or gentle at first either.
    Because of the defense mechanisms I had to build up, it was a long time before I could blog with any emotion at all, because it wasn't about the intimacy of blogging that I was doing it, it was for money and acceptance from all those hippies and their "free-blogging" mentality.
    I like to think that when I accepted Christ, he restored my blogging innocence, but I can tell that when people read my posts, they know I've been doing it longer than I let on.

    hope you're well, sucka!
