October 22, 2009

inspirations only travel can tell

i mentioned a few posts ago about a trip i took to california. my friend Melody and her 3 1/2 year old daughter, London, came along. we went to visit a girlfriend of ours as well as my family. having been raised in california and now living in vancouver, i've made the trip countless times. but this time was especially exciting because we took a train! it was a loooong 24 hour trip, but so comfortable as you can see by my sleeping and lounging. i love trains! the scenery along the way was truly incredible. of course, my friend Melody is a professional photographer so she was able to capture the memories beautifully. i include these in my design blog because they inspire my creative work and i wish for them to inspire you too.
the train took us from seattle to fresno, where we visited our friends and my brother's family for a few days. then we took another train to san fransisco to visit my parents where Melody was able to take some great photos of my mom and i. we did all the touristy things in the city and had an amazing time. two of my favourite photos of all time by Melody Davis Photography are of the grassy beach above and of the colorful barrels of sand below.

October 20, 2009

hearting Anthropologie

do i ever love this store! if i had to describe my style in only one word (which is impossible) i just might say, "anthropologie." convenient, because their style is very eclectic...and retro for that matter! :) actually, "flea market" might better describe my style, but nonetheless, i heart Anthropologie. i have a special place in my heart for bohemian, organic, ethnic, colorful styles. and anthropology has just that.

here are a few things that i love (and i've only covered the "at home" department so far!)

i am a major map lover!

knobs for the orange dresser i am still painting. i'll post pics of it later.

salt & pepper shakers

a fantastic large mirror

my new-to-me vintage dining set

before my mom flew up from california to see my place for the first time, i figured it was about time to purchase a dining room table. after only a couple days on craigslist a found a great mid-century modern set. straight from the 50's, it's a medium blonde natural color wood with 5 chairs, 1 captains chair, and a sideboard - for $225! the chairs had an ugly grey geomentric upholstry on them, and i couldn't wait to make them really colorful and vintage! my mom and i went shopping at Arlene's Interiors and i found this remnant! it was just right at 1.75 yards, and i got it cheeeap! i love it. it was a fun project to do while my mom was here. i would like to eventually get the pieces refinished in a walnut stain, but i gotta save up so i can pay top dollar. this is an authentic vintage set that i want to keep around for a while.

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October 19, 2009

James Merrell

Photographer James Merrell does lots of great interior shots. i love his stylist's work and i love his eclectic vintage look. not only his interior stuff, but his fashion and lifestyle shots are beautiful as well. the other thing is - i love hats!

nature and play

my dear photographer friend Melody Davis and i took a train to california to visit family and friends. one day at the beach, i took the liberty of designing something from the broken sticks and bark that lied around. the earth and it's natural elements are very important to me and i love to get my hands dirty and just play.

October 18, 2009

Selina Lake

colorful flea market style is my favorite friend. interior stylist Selina Lake's use of color inspires me beyond words.

pop! goes my blogging cherry

it's a clear sunday afternoon in vancouver - a perfect day to lose my blogging virginity. church this morning, vietnamese noodle soup with friends afterwards, and t.v.-watching with my hubby to keep him occupied while i click click away on the laptop. it was during the noodle slurping that my dear friend, and ever-supportive fellow arteest Melody, encouraged me to share my creativity through blogging. i hope that this blog can be an outlet for me. my work as a stylist keeps my creative juices flowing, but my ideas are rampant and i gotta create a reservoire in which i can reserve them for their many purposes. art and design are like water to me. i am passionate about design, color, pattern, textiles, vintage finds, and a million other things. i suppose my style is quite eclectic. most of all, i like to look at pretty things and then create prettier things . i hope that you, too, will enjoy looking at the pretty things i have to show you.