before my mom flew up from california to see my place for the first time, i figured it was about time to purchase a dining room table. after only a couple days on craigslist a found a great mid-century modern set. straight from the 50's, it's a medium blonde natural color wood with 5 chairs, 1 captains chair, and a sideboard - for $225! the chairs had an ugly grey geomentric upholstry on them, and i couldn't wait to make them really colorful and vintage! my mom and i went shopping at Arlene's Interiors and i found this remnant! it was just right at 1.75 yards, and i got it cheeeap! i love it. it was a fun project to do while my mom was here. i would like to eventually get the pieces refinished in a walnut stain, but i gotta save up so i can pay top dollar. this is an authentic vintage set that i want to keep around for a while.
I love this one. I love how you pulled the little blue chair up next to the sideboard to add a hint of blue and to emphasise the style.